Frequently asked questions


The estimated delivery times can be found on our Delivery page.

We ship to many countries across the world. Please note that taxes, customs and import duties may be charged on delivery of international orders. See our Delivery page for more details on customs charges


Our returns policy lasts 14 days from delivery. You are eligible for a return or replacement if the delivered product is defected, or the incorrect product was delivered to you. Please click here for more information.


Yes, we do. Thank you for considering us! If you are interested in stocking our products, please email and we will forward our wholesale prices.


You can pay with credit/debit card, Klarna or PayPal.

Most of our art prints arrive unframed. However, if purchasing one our papercuts you can add a beautiful Moxon Magnetic Print Frames crafted from sustainable FSC wood. These lightweight frames use 90% less materials than traditional poster frames, and secure your wall art in place via super-strong neodymium magnets in seconds.

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Due to the intricate nature of the work, each piece costs us quite a lot to make. Therefore at present, we only stock each design in the shade of card shown. However, if you have a specific request we may be able to accommodate your needs at extra cost. Drop us a quick message on our contact form by clicking here.